Press Rillis
Jamaah Ansharu Syariah’s Statement on The Participation of The Israeli National Team in the U-20 World Cup in Indonesia

Responding to the participation of the Israeli National Football Team in the U-20 World Cup held in Indonesia in May, Jamaah Ansharu Syariah submits a following statement:
- Urging the government and PSSI to reject the participation of the Israeli national team in the Indonesian U-20 World Cup.
- Urging PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir and Minister of Sports Affair Zainudin Amali to apologize to the Muslims and leave their positions because of their statements that are considered having no sensitivity to the feelings of Indonesian Muslims who have strong ties with the Palestinian people.
- If the government allows the Israeli national team to compete in Indonesia, then the government has harmed the country’s constitution which rejects colonialism. As the quotation of Bung Karno’s statement, “Competing against Israel is as same as recognizing them.”
- Giving the red carpet to the Israeli national team is undignified and forcibly act.
- Urging FIFA to drop Israel from the Indonesia U-20 World Cup due to its occupation and aggression against the Palestinians, as it happened to Russia who was dropped from the Qatar World Cup due to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
- Inviting all Indonesian people to boycott the U-20 World Cup, if the Israeli national team remains to be participant in the event.
Thus our statements, hopefully Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala protects and glorifies Islam and the Muslim.
Amien Yarobbal Alamin
Hasbunallahu wani’mal wakiil, ni’mal maula wa ni’mannashiir.
Jakarta, 16 Sha’ban 1444 H/08 Maret 2023
Abdul Rochim Ba’asyir